Has the Skwala hatch started yet? Having a fly shop near the river that has a world famous hatch, you get asked this question; A LOT! And the answer is yes! But just because the hatch has started doesn’t mean you’ll have great dry fly fishing with said bug. This early in the hatch it isn’t river wide, yet, and may only occur on a few banks sporadically throughout the river. That’s why you get varying degrees of dry fly success. One bank may be red hot with feeding fish, the next 5 banks, not so much. Why do you think most anglers throw a dry dropper this time of year? Because it’s damn effective and you never know when you’ll get a hungry trout to eat on top. Consistent dry fly fishing is coming very soon, So go ahead, prospect with a dry fly and see what you get, throw a dropper on to increase your success or throw a nymph rig to really get down to em. Either way it’ll be a great day on the water. Remember, Freestone Fly Shop is open 7 days a week, stop by and pick up the most recent angling information. See ya on the water.