Skwala Hatch update!

Skwala Hatch update!

It’s late March the weather is warming, we’ve seen a couple 60 degree days and the Skwalas are crawling everywhere. I’ve not see the hatch so concentrated this early in quite sometime, maybe never.  The reports from our guide staff has been stellar. Starting with a dry in the morning and running it all day has been very effective, some larger fish being caught too.  It’s just a matter of time before we see a 24” brown on a dry fly. The whole river seems to be fish well, helping spread out the traffic  the upper river is showing signs of good dry fly activity as well.  Be safe out there, we’ll see ya on the water. 

Reminder: Shop is open everyday @ 8:00

Hot Flies: Plan B’s in a variety of colors, Rogue Skwala, Gould’s Half Down Skwala, Bullet Head Skwala. As for nymphs keep it heavy and something in the stonefly variety will do the trick  



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