Sept 4th Fishing Report

Sept 4th Fishing Report

Seems as though fall might start early this year. We’ve been blessed with recent rain showers and cool temps helping both the River conditions and the fishing conditions. First the rain showers have really kicked off the fall bug hatches, we are seeing BWO’s, Hecubas, Tricos and still Hoppers and Ants on a daily basis. Look for the flows to stick around the current range for the time being. No major adjustments should be made to Painted Rocks dam till around mid September - more on that later. Fall fishing can be a very rewarding time of year. Brown trout tend to become more aggressive as they begin their pre spawn ritual and the bug activity can be outstanding. With less pressure on the water, finding solitude can be easier than middle of July. Get out and enjoy what’s left of our beautiful weather. 

Bitterroot Flows:

West Fork: 338 CFS     
Darby: 536 CFS    
Bell Crossing: 412 CFS    
Missoula: 802 CFS



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