Aug 1st Fishing Report

Aug 1st Fishing Report

August is here and so is the terrestrial fishing. Most of the hatches have dwindled away and the best fishing is in the middle part of the day with hoppers ant and beetles. Just know that the entire Main Stem of the Bitterroot is in “Hoot Owl”, meaning - NO FISHING from 2pm - Midnight from the confluence of the East and West Fork to the Mouth. The East Fork, West Fork and tributaries however are still open all day. We have tons of great hopper and ant patterns in the shop. Look for the fish to be in the faster water and the tail outs. You’ll see a lot of fish off the banks in the deeper slots. 
couple things to look forward to - Hecubas will be here at some point and tricos to follow, then mahogany duns. Cross your fingers we see some rainfall this month. The river and the fish could use a dose of fresh cool water. 

West Fork: 338 CFS

Darby: 525 CFS

Bell Crossing: 244 CFS

Missoula: 608 CFS

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