Oct 3rd Fishing Report

Oct 3rd Fishing Report

Flows on the Bitterroot River have increased over the past week making for more enjoyable floating conditions on the main stem of the river. The recent rain and cool weather have our fall bugs coming off consistently each afternoon. The morning trico fishing has all but passed, you might find a riffle here and there with bugs, but don't expect this to be your go to hatch. Instead, look for BWO's and Mahoganies specifically in the afternoon to keep your dry fly working overtime. October caddis will play a part as well, we like to throw this in the mornings before the mayflies get started. You can still find fish eating hoppers as well, if you get bored with the mayfly game or just want to switch it up, pound the seams and tail outs with a tan or pink hopper, some fish are still interested in them. Streamer fishing has been producing fish as well, look for the olives and yellow/brown to be the popular color palate for fall. Nymphing is my least favorite this time of year, mostly because you simply shouldn't need to throw nymphs to get the fish to eat. But if you must, Rubberlegs, PT's, Worms and Princes are all good options. The fish are on the feed. get out and enjoy what's left of the fall season.  

Top 5 Dry Flies:

  • #14-18 Purple or Copper Haze
  • #12-14 Original Plan B
  • #14-16 Sparkle Dun Mahogany
  • #18-20 Hi-Viz BWO Spinner
  • #18-20 Parachute BWO

Top 5 Nymphs:

  • #8-12 Black/Coffee Rubber Legs
  • #14-18 Tung Jig PT
  • #12-14 Tung Jig Prince
  • #10 Pink or Red Squirmy Worm
  • #16-18 Tung Jig BWO Nymph
West Fork 64 CFS
Darby 237 CFS
Bell Crossing 376 CFS
Missoula 810 CFS

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