March 26 Fishing Report

March 26 Fishing Report

If you’ve stepped foot outside you’d think it was still early March, or even February. Most of the bugs are thinking that way too. We have had a few decent dry fly days over the past week but I anticipate with this next bout of cold weather that will slow things down. Look for most of the fish to be holding in the slower than average water. There will be some opportunity to prospect with a dry fly in the afternoon but you have to commit and know that it’s probably not the most effective option right now. The streamer game has been a bit slow as well, the fish do not like to chase in this cold water, let things warm a bit for more consistent action.  Nymphing has been your best bet, stonefly nymphs, worms, eggs midges and perdigons all good choices.  Run anywhere from 3’-6’ in depth and choose your water accordingly.  There are a few fish in the shallows chasing the migrating stonefly nymphs, more to come when we see an increase in flows  

Issues along the river: there are plenty ~ don’t think this list is inclusive, there may be unknown obstacles as well. 
•Hannon-Darby: 1 tree spanning entire river, unknown location. 
•Darby-Wally: Open with a few tight spots/possible walk around around “Lone Pine”
•Wally-Anglers*: No known issues but the sleeping child dam is a real pain at this flow. 
•Anglers*-Vetrans: One tight spot around Kiwanis park. You may have to walk your boat through this one.
•Vetrans-Woodside: River left after the the bridge is really low but has no obstructions, river right had about a 100’ easy drag for a hard boat.
•Woodside-Tucker: probably the most open section. Nothing real notable here except for the occasional low water drag around or tight spot. DONT miss the take out. You’ll likely float past it and have to drag the boat back up the channel. 
•Tucker-Bell: This opened up this winter, sort of. The river cut through the trees couple miles down and it’s really tight and fast in there. No room to maneuver around. I’d suggest only experienced rowers in there. It’s tight and fast and no way out once you’re in there. Bottom of the channel has a tree all the way across. Easy, but you must stop ABOVE and walk your boat down to it.  DO NOT GO IN HERE IF YOU ARE INEXPERIENCED.  There is very little room for error and no room to just walk your boat through given the depth and speed of the channel. 
•Bell-Stevi: Get mixed reports here. Depending on what channel you take will depend on how much dragging you do. When in doubt scout it out. 
Stevi-Florence: UPDATE: Tree down in left channel below the Osprey Cabin. Not too dangerous but will take some effort to shimmy your boat over. 
*If you are using Anglers Roost Access, make sure to stop in and fill out the proper paperwork. Access is limited to only those who have a signed waiver and installed app on their phone, a parked vehicle must include a proper hang tag that is issued after signing the waiver or your vehicle WILL BE TOWED! Please follow the rules! 


West Fork: 59 CFS

Darby: 181 CFS

Bell Crossing: 321 CFS


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