June 21st River Report

June 21st River Report

Here we are, the first day of summer and it finally looks like summer might actually happen. After a cool wet spring, our swollen rivers have decided it was time to recede and the fishing has begun in earnest. Still a lot of water volume but it’s significantly less than just a week ago. This extra moisture and cool weather will certainly have a positive impact for the season to come. The Darby gauging station has the river at around 3500 CFS and dropping. All signs point to great fishing ahead. Our guided trips have been going out daily with clients having decent success. The famous Salmon Fly hatch on the West Fork of the Bitterroot has begun but few fish are responding to the dry fly. Most likely in part due to the water volume. Looks like that is changing now and we might see some better dry fly action. Look for more bugs to start appearing over the next week or so. Goldens, Drakes, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, Caddis and a few others are on the brink of hatching. Get ready, it’s about to go off. 

No new obstructions in the river have been reported but check daily for changing conditions. As the water drops surely there will be new problem areas. 

We have a huge selection of bugs at the shop this year. New patterns and trusty originals. Stop by and check em out. See ya on the water. 

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