The Bitterroot River has doubled in size over the past couple days and looks like with the warming trend we are experiencing it will continue to climb. This is likely the end of our "Spring" Fishing season here in the Bitterroot Valley with the exception of a few secret locations that no one will talk about and the occasional windows of opportunities the River might give up. For those who endured the cold spring conditions, you were likely rewarded with great dry fly fishing, plenty of cold finger tips and frozen boot laces. All in all a great Skwala season is behind us and we can look forward to throwing big salmon flies, goldens, PMD's, Caddis and terrestrials for the remainder of the year. Maybe an indicator once in a while for good measure. For the month of May, we'll be targeting fish over on the Missouri River out of Wolf Creek. If you're looking to book a trip, we still have availability over there. Thanks everyone for your support, stop in and stock up on your favorite gear.