4/21 River Report

4/21 River Report

The near future is looking bright. Air Temperature and water temps are staying right in the sweet zone for great spring fishing.  This looks to trend well into next week any maybe beyond. Yes we are still fishing Skwalas but the March Brown and BWO’s are making daily appearances as well. You can find pods of fish up eating mayflies every afternoon, most of the time they’ll eat a skwala. Big fish are being caught daily on dry flies. You can pretty much throw a Dry fly all day and have good success doing so. I can’t say that there’s been A pattern that’s out fished anything this year. For Skwalas something in a size 12 seems to be the sweet spot. Plan B’s, Rastaman, Gould’s Half Down and many others have been fishing quite well. Keep your March Brown patterns in the size 14 range and BWO’s 18 or smaller. The whole river is fishing and it seems the traffic is spread out pretty well. But still be courteous to other anglers. No known blockages but be extra careful on the water. Don’t forget the Fly Shop is open at 8am everyday. Be safe, we’ll see you on the water.

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